I just finished the compiling of all modules and performed an upgrade to 3.3 beta1 on +Rasperry Pi .
For all impatient:
deb http://kolab.zion-control.org /
Changes I adopted to my installation :
modules = resources, invitationpolicy, footer
kolab_invitation_policy = ACT_ACCEPT_IF_NO_CONFLICT:zion-control.org, ACT_MANUAL
type = ldap
host = ldap://localhost:389
bind_dn = "uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=zion-control,dc=org"
bind_pw = "IwontTellYou"
[directory "local-cache"]
type = static
fbsource = file:/var/cache/kolab-freebusy/%s.ifb
expires = 10m
[directory "kolab-resources"]
type = ldap
host = ldap://localhost:389
bind_dn = "uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=zion-control,dc=org"
bind_pw = "IwontTellYou"
base_dn = "ou=Resources,dc=zion-control,dc=org"
filter = "(&(objectClass=kolabsharedfolder)(mail=%s))"
attributes = mail, kolabtargetfolder
fbsource = "imap://cyrus-admin:IwontTellYou@localhost/%kolabtargetfolder?acl=lrs"
cacheto = /var/cache/kolab-freebusy/%mail.ifb
expires = 10m
loglevel = 100 ; Debug
So far, active-sync still working :-) and no major issues as the ones already known.
More the next days when I performed some tests
Greetz Andreas